Capturing stories, building connections

Photography Fun

Posted by on Feb 1, 2018 in Bill Clements' Photography--Clem's Clicks, MSM Blog

One part of my photography fun the last few years has been heading out at night with my friend and fellow photographer, Phil Ward, to capture shots around the Twin Cities. Phil is a chef (he and wife, Karen, run Black Cat Natural Foods and during the summer every Saturday are selling their yummy food at the Mill City Farmers’ Market, of which they are a founding vendor), as well as a limo driver. And while driving he seeks out the best locations around the cities, places we can take powerful photos. He’s a master at finding spots, which sometimes include a little work to get to.

Here are some of the best of those night-time shots from the past 2 years.

And then here’s a selection of photos I’ve taken the last few years, mostly during the day …

This is a “senior portrait” shot I had the pleasure to do for my nephew, Ian (otherwise known as “Mr. Lucky”). We had a blast, even though the night in late October (2017) grew pretty cold and Ian’s ears and cheeks went cold-red.

In August of 2015, my brother Mike, and I (I’m the bald, gray one…) visited our family farm in Springfield, Kentucky, one last time. The farm had been in our Dad’s side of the family for nearly 100 years, and the next year we finally (and, on my part, somewhat reluctantly) sold it. That former tobacco farm was (I’m sure still is) a beautiful place. Mike and I had a great time down there.

In June of 2016, I visited my hometown of Chicago (as I do several times a year) and stayed with my buddy, John Holden, at his place in the northside Edgewater neighborhood. On one of the days John and I walked to the lakefront, near what’s now known as Kathy Osterman Beach, and all off a sudden a storm came flying in and the sky blew up into these incredible reds and oranges. I couldn’t take enough photos for the maybe 20 minutes the sky was at its most amazing.